The December 2010 Newsletter from the 56th Fighter Group website

Welcome to the 56th Fighter Group website's Christmas 2010 newsletter.

I’d like to open by wishing everybody the very best for Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year in 2011.

Thank you everyone for the feedback, support and encouragement which has been received since the website was launched in March 2010. Its especially heart-warming to see so many families of 56th FG veterans are discovering the website and finding out information about their relatives service during World War 2.

It’s been a busy few months for me and I would have liked to have got a newsletter out earlier than now but at least the gap between the last one and this gives me plenty to report, although not all of the news is good news.

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During the last part of 2010 word has reached us of the sad passing of pilot John Aranyos and crew chief Frank Gyidik, both of the 63rd FS, and November also saw the passing of Bernard Matthews.
The name Bernard Matthews will be very familiar to subscribers from the UK from Bernard Matthews Turkeys, but what many people won’t realise is the connection to the 8th USAAF and Halesworth airfield in particular. The huts lining the runways at Halesworth and the factory which occupies much of what was once the technical site are part of the Bernard Matthews multinational food business.
Bernard contributed to many charities and local causes, including the rebuilding of the 2nd Air Division Memorial Library in Norwich after the original library was destroyed by fire in 1994, and was also the President of the Halesworth (Holton) Memorial Museum, contributing much to enable it to become the fabulous memorial to the 56thFG, 489thBG, and 5th ERS that it is today. He will be sadly missed.

The 56th Fighter Group Museum were very pleased to welcome Christine Albert, her sister Susan and Christine’s husband Roger when they visited the area in October for the dedication of the newly sited memorial to Richard Albert and Roger Phillips who lost their lives in a mid-air collision over the village of Wangford in February 1944.

Many thanks to Roderick Tassinari for this photo.

The service at Wangford took place on October 9th and photographs can be seen on the “Memorials” section of the 56th website HERE. During the service Susan read a poem written shortly after the crash by Richard Albert’s friend John Aranyos so you can imagine how shocked everyone was when the news that John had passed away on the same day reached us.

Undoubtedly the most significant contribution to the 56th FG website in the last couple of months has been the photo album of 61st FS photographer John Zasadzinski which features some fabulous photographs, the vast majority of which are seen in public for the first time here, and I’d like to once again thank John for his permission to share the photographs and also Zack Baughmann for scanning the album for us.

You can view the photographs and watch the Timeless Voices interview with John Zasadsinski HERE.

Work continues “behind the scenes” on additions to the 56th Fighter Group website and general research into the 56th FG and personnel who served, and these additions will be announced as and when they “go live”. If you have any photographs of reunions or anything else 56th FG related we would love to hear from you. CONTACT US HERE. All material sent to this website is passed on to the 56th Fighter Group museum at Halesworth.

If you have any items you would like to donate to the museum that it isn't possible to display on the website these can be sent to the museum directly. Buzz Took, as many of you will know, is the American Liaison at the museum and can be contacted either via the 56th FG website or directly at

Thanks once again to Kate Moore for her website design skills, hard work and (almost) endless patience making my ideas for the website a reality. I couldn’t do it without you!

Until next time... Cave Tonitrum!

The previous newsletters are HERE